- 单位:中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所
- 地址:江苏省苏州工业园区若水路398号
- 电话:0512-62872519
- 邮箱:szfan2020@sinano.ac.cn
个人简历/Personal resume
樊士钊,ScAlN化合物材料生长与微结构调控课题组负责人,获中国科学院“率先行动”引才计划支持。2016年博士毕业于麦吉尔大学(McGill University),之后于美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)从事博士后研究工作,长期致力于III-V族化合物半导体材料外延生长与器件结构研究。近年来以第一作者/通讯作者在Advanced Energy Materials、Nano Letters、Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells、Journal of Applied Physics等期刊上发表论文十余篇。
研究方向/Research direction
1. 高Sc组分ScAlN单晶薄膜材料的外延生长与压电/声电/铁电器件研究,其中包括声子晶体的色散关系计算与ScAlN基声电器件的理论设计研究;
2. N-极性面AlGaN/GaN、ScAlN/GaN异质结的外延生长与功率射频HEMT器件研究其中包括含Sc势垒层的极化光学声子对二维电子气的散射机制研究(低温输运实验+理论计算);
3. “自底向上”选区外延InGaN纳米柱周期阵列的外延生长与光子晶体Micro-LED研究,其中包括光子晶体的色散关系、远场/近场设计、Purcell效应等相关理论研究。
招生信息/Enrollment information
论文专著/The monograph
1. Shizhao Fan*, Rong Liu, Yingnan Huang, Jianxun Liu, Xiaoning Zhan, Xiujian Sun, Meixin Feng, Yuhao Yin, Qian Sun, and Hui Yang, Observation of threading dislocations and misfit dislocation half loops in GaN/AlGaN heterostructure grown on Si using electron channeling contrast imaging, J. Appl. Phys. 2022, 132, 105302.
2. Shumeng Yan; Meixin Feng*; Shizhao Fan*; Rui Zhou; Yongjun Tang; Tianhao Jiang; Jianxun Liu; Yu Zhou; Qian Sun*; Hui Yang. Activation of Buried p-GaN through Nanopipes in Large-Size GaN-Based Tunnel Junction LEDs, Nanotechnology, 32, 30LT01 (2021).
3. Shizhao Fan*; Zhengshan J. Yu; Ryan D. Hool; Pankul Dhingra; William Weigand; Mijung Kim; Erik D. Ratta; Brian D. Li; Yukun Sun; Zachary C. Holman; Minjoo L. Lee*. Current-Matched III–V/Si Epitaxial Tandem Solar Cells with 25.0% Efficiency, Cell Reports Physical Science, 1, 100208 (2020).
4. Shizhao Fan; Zhengshan J. Yu; Yukun Sun; William Weigand; Pankul Dhingra; Mijung Kim; Ryan D. Hool; Erik D. Ratta; Zachary C. Holman; Minjoo L. Lee*. 20%-Efficient Epitaxial GaAsP/Si Tandem Solar Cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 202, 110144 (2019).
5. Shizhao Fan*; Daehwan Jung; Yukun Sun; Brian D. Li; Diego Martín-Martín; Minjoo L. Lee. 16.8%-Efficient n+/p GaAs Solar Cells on Si with High Short-Circuit Current Density, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9, 660-665 (2019).
6. Shizhao Fan; Ishiang Shih; Zetian Mi*. A Monolithically Integrated InGaN Nanowire/Si Tandem Photoanode Approaching the Ideal Bandgap Configuration of 1.75/1.13 eV, Advanced Energy Materials, 7, 1600952 (2016).
7. Shizhao Fan; Steffi Y. Woo; Srinivas Vanka; Gianluigi A. Botton; Zetian Mi*. An In0.5Ga0.5N Nanowire Photoanode for Harvesting Deep Visible Light Photons, APL Materials, 4, 076106 (2016).
8. Shizhao Fan; Bandar AlOtaibi; Steffi Y. Woo; Yongjie Wang; Gianluigi A. Botton; Zetian Mi*. High Efficiency Solar-to-Hydrogen Conversion on a Monolithically Integrated InGaN/GaN/Si Adaptive Tunnel Junction Photocathode, Nano Letters, 15, 2721-2726 (2015).