

个人简历/Personal resume

  张学同,博士,二级研究员,中国科学技术大学博士生导师,中国科学院苏州纳米所学术委员会副主任、伦敦大学学院(UCL)访问教授、英国皇家学会Newton Advanced Fellow、英国皇家化学会会士(FRSC),国家重点研发计划项目负责人,曾先后入选国家级科技创新领军人才、中国科学院率先行动计划引进人才、江苏省双创计划引进人才。主要从事气凝胶材料的结构设计、控制合成及应用研究。作为通讯作者在相关领域的知名杂志如Science、Nature Water、Nature Communications、Advanced Materials等上发表学术论文130余篇,研究成果多次得到Phys.Org、Chemical & Engineering News、Science Daily和新华社、人民网、国家自然科学基金委网站、中国政府网、凤凰网、中国日报等新闻媒体广泛报道。


研究方向/Research direction


招生信息/Enrollment information


论文专著/The monograph


  1. Zhizhi Sheng, Xuetong Zhang*, Mimicking polar bear hairs in aerogel fibers (perspective), Science, 2023, 382, 1358-1359.

  2. Tong Wu, Yinglai Hou, Zengwei Liu, Yuzhen Li, Lingling Wang, Guosong Wu, Zhizhi Sheng*, Jiapeng Sun*, Xuetong Zhang*, Liquid-infused aerogel membrane with reverse functions enables on-demand emulsification and demulsification, Nature Water, 2024, 2, 899-910

  3. Lishan Li, Guandu Yang, Jing Lyu, Zhizhi Sheng, Fengguo Ma, Xuetong Zhang*, Folk arts-inspired twice-coagulated configuration-editable tough aerogels enabled by transformable gel precursors, Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 8450.

  4. Yinglai Hou, Zhizhi Sheng, Chen Fu, Jie Kong*, Xuetong Zhang*, Hygroscopic holey graphene aerogel fibers enable highly efficient moisture capture, heat allocation and microwave absorption, Nature Communications, 2022, 13,1227.

  5. Guangyong Li, Leyi Wang, Xiaofei Ji, Xuetong Zhang*, Suspending light-absorbing nanoparticles in silica aerogel enables numerous superblacks, Advanced Materials, 2024, accepted for publication

  6. Yafei Ding, Qingqing Cheng, Jing Lyu, Zengwei Liu, Ruizhe Yuan, Fengguo Ma*, Xuetong Zhang*, Visible microfluidic deprotonation for aramid nanofibers as building blocks of cascade-microfluidic-processed colloidal aerogels, Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2400101

  7. Ming Zhou, Zhizhi Sheng, Guangbin Ji*, Xuetong Zhang*, Aerogel-involved triple-state gels resemble natural living leaves in structure and multi-functions, Advanced Materials, 2024, 36, 2406007

  8. Xiaofei Ji, Yu Du, Xuetong Zhang*, Elaborate size-tuning of silica aerogel building blocks enables laser-driven lighting, Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2107168.

  9. Zhizhi Sheng, Yi Ding, Chen Fu, Yinglai Hou, Guangyong Li, Jing Lyu, Xuetong Zhang*, Solid-liquid host-guest composites: the marriage of porous solids and functional liquids (Review), Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2104851.

  10. Guangyong Li, Dapeng Dong, Guo Hong, Lifeng Yan, Xuetong Zhang*, Wenhui Song*, High-efficiency cryo-thermocells assembled with anisotropic holey graphene aerogel electrodes and a eutectic redox electrolyte, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1901403.
